W5 SEMrush
My initial thought on the SEMrush project was that there is a lot I did not know about tracking analytics. I was amazed by the amount of sets for each project. At first, I was overwhelmed and did not know where to begin. I continued to review the components that I found on the dashboard. When I began my first project, I chose to create a project under my blog website. SEMrush allows their members to learn about the details of their on/off page features to find out what has been successful and what features need improvement.
I input my blog website domain in as a new project. I immediately set up the site audit to analyze the health of my blog website. It gave me a list of things that are causing my site to be unhealthy. The purpose of this SEMrush component is to determine what needs to be improved in order to maintain a successful website. As I found in my analysis, my site’s health is at 76%. I referred to the help page to learn about what this percentage meant.
I believed I had strong key words to be relevant with my posted blogs. However according to the lesson, “while finding the right keywords and phrases requires creative thought, research and experimentation, it is well worth the effort.” (Tietbohl 2020) This issue being discovered was only the surface of the improvements I need to make for my blog site to increase online traffic.
I interpreted the percentage as a good standing for the current state of my blog website. The higher the number the less improvements I need to be making. On the dashboard I had seven pages with issues out of eleven. After reviewing the types of issues I realized they were all fixable.
I enjoyed experimenting with the SEMrush for the first time and I have learned more than I expected about SEO. SEMrush will continue to provide insight for me about how I can make my blog website more successful. I initially thought this week’s assignment would be difficult to follow along, however that is not the case. This was a new way I was able to practice analyzing metrics and build my research skills to eventually use in my future career. As for my blog there will be some altered features that I will change accordingly to best increase my audit percentage score.SEMrush Knowledge Base. (2020). Launching a Project. Retrieved from: https://www.semrush.com/kb/243-launching-a-project#7
Site Audit Help - SEMrush Toolkits | SEMrush. www.semrush.com/kb/31-site-audit.
Tietbohl, M. (2020). Lesson 5. Retrieved November 8, 2020, from https://ecampus.wvu.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/displayLearningUnit?course_id=_150868_1&content_id=_7384407_1&framesetWrapped=true
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